
The 2005-2010 Medium Term Youth Development Plan (MTYDP) is a product of desk reviews and series of consultations on young Filipino's issues and concerns with representatives of youth and youth serving organizations. The youth's perception on issues, (outlined in Youth Attributes, Participation and Service Providers' or YAPS), that affect them have served as important inputs in crafting the MTYDP.

The MTYDP serves as a guiding framework for youth development and empowerment. It outlines steps that will help concretize what the youth themselves desire. The plan is abroad guide for action, young Filipinos play a very important role in ensuring that the recommended policies, programs, and courses of actions are carried out.

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The quality of and access to education must be improved, and students should be empowered to
participate actively inside and outside the school.
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The entrepreneurial spirit of the Filipino youth should be cultivated.
The rights of all young workers should be protected.
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Health & Substance Abuse
Adolescent and youth development should be supported with emphasis on adolescent reproductive health and a narcotics-free lifestyle for the youth.
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Special Needs
Equal opportunities and proper treatment should be accorded to the youth no matter what special circumstance they may be in.
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Youth volunteerism for the protection and preservation of the environment shall begin in the communities and schools.
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The youth should be empowered to be role models for each other.

They should strive to work towards a better Philippines starting from their own communities. The SK should be strengthened through proper reform measures and should fulfill their role as the focal point of the youth sector in the barangays.
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Local Participation

Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations (TAYO)

TAYO identifies outstanding youth organizations, clubs and societies who have been helping their communities by way of their well-crafted and highly applicable and effective programs. It recognizes, rewards and encourages contributions made by groups of young Filipinos for the progress of our society.

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National Youth Parliament

The NYP is a 3-day convention of youth leaders every two years wherein policy recommendations are formulated to address youth issues, and serve as government’s guide in policy formulation and program development. Started in 1996, these youth leaders gather every two years to share ideas and gain valuable insights and networks to aid them in their youth development efforts.


SK Affairs/ Integrated Sangguniang Kabataan Organizational Leadership and Reorientation Program (ISKOLAR)

The NYC offers a two-step process to assist the SK officials to fully realize their potentials as youth officials in their localities. The ISKOLAR is a training program designed to give them necessary information on how they would be able to relate with their constituents and how to perform their obligations to the best of their abilities. The NYC also serves as the secretariat to the SK National Federation, a body elected by the presidents of the provincial federations nationwide.