Balancing Freshman College Life Minus the Stress
The first year of college can be overwhelming. Between the school work and creating a new social life, there isn’t often much extra time to do much of anything, let alone spend time with the family. Students often get overwhelmed when they realize they have to maintain their relationships at home while creating new ones at school. Let’s face it, when kids go off to college, parents are heartbroken and often long friendships are torn in two, but there are many ways to prevent this from happening.
Use Technology
With the world slowly moving into cyberspace, there are more ways than ever to contact each other. Utilizing cell phones, e-mail and Skype on a regular basis can help you stay in contact with others. A simple and short message once a day to mom and dad or your friends will let them know you are thinking of them.
Budget Your Time
The first few months at school are a strain on everyone’s time management skills. Making plans and utilizing your time will not only help you with school work, but help you with your relationships as well. Setting aside some substantial time to call old friends and parents will allow time for longer, more in depth conversations. Not only will this let them know you care, but it will help get rid of that homesick feeling that plagues many first year college students.
Share Calendars
If everyone is on the same page when it comes to each other’s schedules, then no one will feel left out wondering why you haven’t called during a busy week. Sharing calendars with each other is a great way to keep up with what everyone is doing, so there is no hurt feelings. Google Calendar is a great tool to use this for, as it has a “share” option which enables other that you choose to see your calendar.
Plan to go Home
If trips to go home are planned in advance, it takes the edge off missing your family and friends. It will be an occasion looked forward to by everyone, especially mom and dad. It also lets friends know that you are still on good terms and want to see them.
Be Realistic
College is a lot on your plate without having to deal with stress from home, so remember to be realistic. Don’t make promises to spend time with someone, whether it’s on the phone or in person, if you just don’t have the time. If you can’t make it, there may be hurt feelings, creating added stress that nobody wants to deal with.
When it comes to kicking that homesick feeling, maintaining old friendships or calming mom and dad down when you haven’t called in a week, remember that even though you’ve just made it to college, it doesn’t mean you can leave your old life behind. Utilizing these tips and tricks will make living the college life and keeping in touch with those at home a breeze.
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