The Government Internship Program (GIP) is a youth program of the government aimed to instill among the youth the proper values towards work and community service, provides them with opportunities for self-development and participation in nation-building.

It aims to initiate the youth to public service by involving them with the new programs of the government and consequently, draw their support and understanding.


The Kabataan 2000 as mandated under Executive Order 139, is envisioned as a year-round youth work program of the government to support the President's vision of Philippines 2000 Program. The Kabataan 2000 is a spin-off from the President's Summer Youth Program.

The Kabataan 2000 will encourage high school and college students, vocational students and out of school youth (OSY) to engage in constructive and productive activities for the entire year. The program seeks to channel the energies of the youth toward worthwhile activities that contribute to nation building.

The National Youth Commission (NYC) is tasked to provide secretariat support. Since the establishment of K2000, several government agencies and local government units have been actively implementing and participating in this program.


The NYC aside from providing secretariat support to the Kabataan 2000, it is also the lead implementor of the Government Internship Program (GIP).

This program has two (2) categories of clientele ages from 18-25 years old: 1. College/vocational and high school students who will be recruited by the agencies on the basis of their major and minor field of study, and; 2, Out of school youth (OSY) who will be involved in field work in government extension program and projects in communities.


  1. initiate the youth to public service. The program shall involve and acquaint the youth participants with the new programs and projects of the government and consequently, draw their support and understanding towards them
  2. serve as a recruitment mechanism for potential public employees. Participants shall be pooled into a manpower reservoir from which the participating agencies could draw recruits for its regular workforce by the time they qualify for public employment
  3. extend possible financial assistance shall provide a stipend or any form of financial help to the GIP participants

Grant of Incentives:

  1. Stipend:
    The agency shall provide the participants with stipend of not more than 75% of the applicable minimum wage. Agencies may provide meal and transportation allowance which can be sourced from the agency's budget as may be provided by the law and subject of the existing laws accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Such stipend will depend on the participants' assignment.

  2. Certificates:
    The agency shall issue a Certificate of Completion to the participants who will complete at least two months of training job.

  3. Awards:
    As an additional incentive, the NYC as the lead agency for GIP may give honorary awards to the participating agencies, Action Officers and participants based on the criteria that they might prescribe.


Legal Basis:

  1. Executive Order 139 - Creating the Kabataan 2000

  2. Memorandum Order 205 - Enjoining all Local Government Units and Sangguniang Kabataan to Support the Kabataan 2000.

  3. Memorandum Order 206 - Enjoining all Departments, Bureaus, Offices, Agencies, including Government Owned and Controlled Corporations to Support the K2000


Program Mechanics:

  1. Every implementing agency shall designate an Action Officer as the in-charge of the Implementation and coordination of the K2000 and GIP.

  2. The agency shall announce the available slots and ensure information dissemination.

  3. Interested applicants shall apply directly to the agencies where their fields of studies or skills are deemed appropriate.

  4. The applicant shall submit their resume to the Personnel Office and shall undergo a written, oral and performance examination to ensure that the applicants are suited to the nature of available slots within the implementing agency.

  5. The participants shall be accommodated only once in a year-round implementation of a program for a maximum period of three (3) months and minimum period of two (2) months.

  6. All agencies implementing the GIP shall accomplish the monitoring and evaluation form and submit regularly to the NYC



loc. 122, 123

EMAIL: [email protected]


©2000 NYC
National Youth Commission.

3/F Filomena Building, San Rafael Street
Malacaņang, Manila, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (632)734-5910, (632)734-6062

Extension Office:
4/F Bookman Building, 373 Quezon Avenue
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (632)781-1152/1163/1406/1613