NYC Sends-off Youth Delegates to SSEAYP
The National Youth Commission today sends-off the country’s 28 delegates to the 31st Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP). The Philippine contingent is bound for Japan, where more than 300 delegates will converge from Southeast Asian countries and the sponsoring country, Japan.
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Great@8!: Responding to Challenges through Youth Volunteerism
In a large sense, our country is what we make of our youth. A country with a large population of young people who do not get enough of the right kind of education, or sufficient physical, moral and intellectual nourishment, and are provided with little or no vision of what they can or should do, will stay an unhappy country.

NYC Coordinates World Youth Peace Summit
In the absence of an official national coordinator for the World Youth Peace Summit, the National Youth Commission was requested by the organizers to disseminate information for possible Philippine representatives.
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