June 18 to 25, 2008
People's Republic of China

The All-China Youth Federation is inviting twenty (20) youth delegates between 18 to 40 years old, healthy both physically and psychologically, able to communicate in English and participate in the whole program.

Venue : Nanning , Qinzhou, Beihai, Guangzhou

Composition of the delegation :

"  5 youth affairs officials headed by a director-general level

"  5 young entrpreneurs

"  5 young artists

"  5 outstanding university students

Expenses :

The participants will pay their own international travel expenses while the organizer will provide local hospitality, including accommodation, meals and local transportation.

Application forms may be downloaded from youth.net.ph . Deadline for submission of registration form is May 13, 2008. Submit the registration form to [email protected] .

Download Application form