Aimed at harnessing the entrepreneurial potential of the youth towards the attainment of a strong and vibrant Philippine economy by the year 2000, YEP epitomizes a vision for the future: a robust economy sustained by a large base of dynamic and globally competitive small and medium-scale enterprises participated in by young entrepreneurs. YEP is a long term program of entrepreneurship training and development aimed at creating small and medium enterprises. At least 100 youths will be trained and monitored in selected provinces with special focus on the marginalized areas and agrarian reform communities. YEP gives hope to the youth especially the unemployed by helping them become job-providers instead of job-seekers. Program Partners
Target Beneficiaries Youth ages 18 to 30, covering a broad cross-section of the in-school youth, out-of-school youth, working youth (i.e. farmers, fisherfolks, young professionals, overseas contract workers, urban poor), special youth (i.e. youth with disabilities, youth in indegenous communities, youth in situations of armed conflict). |
Project Components
Eligible Program Partners/Conduits
Eligible Beneficiaries
CONTACT PERSONS CYNTHIA ENRIQUEZ BAIBONN SANGID YVONNE PUMARAS TEL/FAX: 781-1406/1152/1163/1671/ 781-2386/1613 loc. 124, 123 EMAIL: [email protected] |
©2000 NYC
National Youth Commission.
3/F Filomena Building, San Rafael Street
Malacaņang, Manila, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (632)734-5910, (632)734-6062
Extension Office:
4/F Bookman Building, 373 Quezon Avenue
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (632)781-1152/1163/1406/1613