PREYAA The Presidential Youth Achievers Award's (PREYAA) is a presidential and national youth award envisioned to be the "mother" of all youth awards with the end in view of developing a critical mass of young people who are conscious of the need to become role models within their sector.
This is the second year of implementation with a presidential directive for its expansion and institutionalization.
- To recognize Filipinos and youth institutions which have been exemplary in their fields of expertise;
- To sponsor the entry of PREYAA winners to other award giving bodies here and abroad;
- To organize a year-long speaking engagement for winners, accompanied by exhibits, to promote youth excellence within the sector;
- To database youth achievements all over the country which the NYC can publish into a book and update yearly.
Target Clientele
Individual youth from the four (4) sub-sectors and youth organizations.
- Nominations from qualified youth and youth organizations
- Screening and selection by the inter-agency Committee (paper screening and field validations)
- National Awarding
- Speaking engagements and exhibits by the national winners
- Submission of nominations of the national winners to other award-giving bodies here and abroad
- Data banking
- Policy formulation and advocacy
Time Frame
Year-round search proposed to be conducted every year.
The Mindanao Youth Peace and Development Advocacy Program (MYPDAP) initiated by the National Youth Commission upon consultation with multi-sectoral groups, serves as a venue to promote mutual understanding and peaceful co-existence, optimize tolerance, and increase economic development and cooperation to lessen the incident conflicts, hostilities, religious biases and prejudices.
MYPDAP, as a peace and development advocacy program, hopes to galvanize the catalytic role of the youth to reinforce and secure lasting peace as well as spur economic development in Mindanao.
Legal Basis MYPDAP is in compliance with RA 8044, Section 2. Par. [B] which provides for the "Inculcation in the youth of patriotism, nationalism and other desirable values to infuse in them faith in the Creator, belief in the sanctity of life and dignity of human person, conviction for the strength and unity of the family and adherence to truth and justice."
The program aims to help Mindanao attain its dream of lasting peace and development through youth participation. Specifically, the program aims to attain the following objectives:
- To promote mutual understanding, tolerance, respect and encourage peaceful and harmonious co-existence among the tri-peoples youth;
- Provide a venue for cultural, moral, spiritual and inter-faith dialogue, conflict resolutions and the creation of culture of peace and order.
- Reinforce positive values, responsible citizenship, and vigilance through active participation and support in non-violence action against apathy, drug addiction, pornography, child prostitution and promiscuity.
Project Component
Educational Advocacy - this component serves as a vehicle to enhance awareness and understanding among the tri-peoples of Mindanao of the essential requisites of peaceful and harmonious co-existence through the conduct of peace process education. The advocacy program will have two [2] layers of activities, to wit: Adult Education/Literacy and Child and Youth Education.
To attain this, Training of Trainers will be conducted to develop a pool of trainers who shall echo and transfer peace process and education in their respective areas.
- Peace cum Cultural Immersion Program - is a two-day activity, which serves as a venue to learn and exchange cultural, tradition, moral and spiritual values among the tri-peoples. It shall also be a venue to render community and civic service.
- Peace Train [Regional Youth Encounter for the Culture of Peace] - is the conduct of a regional dialogue, inter-faith consultation on peace process and initiative and economic support and development.
- Train For Peace Congress [Tri-People Congress] - is an annual gathering of trained peace workers, volunteers and NGOs to commemorate the UN International Human Rights Day and thereafter review and assess the accomplishment of the MYPDAP.
- Inter-Faith Visitation and Pilgrims - a visit to churches, mosques and other important religious places which seeks to provide young people the opportunity to observe actual religious worship and rituals [World Youth Day].
Mechanics MYPDAP is a three-year program to be carried out annually. In order to effectively carry out the desired results the following strategies are recommended:
- Networking /Linkages - a vital strategy to gain financial and logistical support to sustain program growth and implementation. Concerned government agencies, non-government organizations, youth and youth serving organizations and religious group shall be invited.
- Training of Trainers - is necessary in order to maintain a pool of trainers who shall transfer and transform the values among the youth. The trainer aged 18 to 30 years old, shall act as the peace coordinator/implementer.
- Peace Process Dialogue cum Inter-Faith Dialogue - involving peace process cum religious activity, it is an important ingredient of the program in order to appeal to the inner spiritual senses of the youth to promote peace and religious and racial tolerance.
- MYPDAP Secretariat - to facilitate the continuous flow of communication a Secretariat shall be maintained to serve as point/key organization to provide program direction.
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