Joined: 25 Oct 2004
Posts: 34
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:24 am

Grab this chance to tell the United Nations exactly what YOU think.
Youth Prep for Beijing+10
Women & Development: An Essay Contest
In preparation for the tenth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, drafted at the Fourth World Conference on Women, the World Youth Alliance invites you to submit your thoughts and reflections on the issue of women and development.
Themes to explore may include the equal dignity of women and men, the uniqueness and contributions of women, women and the hope they bring for peace, contemporary threats to the dignity and human rights of women and girl children, the sharing of decision-making and responsibility between women and men through freedom based on love as self-gift, and other areas relevant to women and development.
The rules of the contest are as follows:
1. Writers must be between the ages of 16 and 30 before or on 1 March 2005, to submit an essay.
2. Essays entries must be between 5 -7 pages long, single-spaced, size 10 font using either Times New Roman, Arial or Verdana. Include your resume (with your date of birth and contact information especially your email address). Entries with incomplete requirements will not be accepted.
3. Entries must be submitted by 31 December 2004, Friday.
4. All requirements may be submitted through:
Post: Women & Development Essay Contest
World Youth Alliance- Asia-Pacific
PO Box 135 UP Diliman 1101 QC, Philippines
Email: [email protected]
(with subject head: Women & Development essay)
Authors of the top submissions will be invited to participate in a roundtable discussion in preparation for the Beijing +10 Conference from 19-20 February 2005, in New York City, New York.
"Equality between women and men is a matter of human rights and a condition for social justice and is also a necessary and fundamental prerequisite for equality, development and peace. A transformed partnership based on equality between women and men is a condition for people-centred sustainable development. A sustained and long-term commitment is essential, so that women and men can work together for themselves, for their children and for society to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century"
-Beijing Platform for Action: Mission Statement
Let's ensure that international policies regarding women live up to a holistic vision of women and personhood, grounded in the intrinsic dignity
we all possess as members of the human family. Submit your essay today!
Contact the World Youth Alliance office in your region for more information
Mail: PO Box 135 UP Diliman 1101 QC Manila
Tel/Fax: [632] 433 0715
Email: [email protected]
Please pass this on to others who may be interested in joining the contest.
Thank you!
World Youth Alliance is a coalition of over one million young people from
over one hundred countries who work together to promote the dignity of every person in solidarity with representatives of the international community, particularly at the United Nations and European Union. We have trained over ten thousand young people from all over the world in human rights, international law, diplomacy and negotiation. We also work with our members to organize development projects and cultural activities that affirm, celebrate, and explore human dignity.
WYA is a non-governmental organization officially recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. We are present in Brussels,
Manila, Mexico City, Nairobi and New York City. Learn more about the World Youth Alliance at <file://>