The National Youth Commission, located at the 4 th Floor Bookman Building, #373 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City with telephone no. 781-2323 or 781-2386 local 113, is inviting interested bidders to bid on the following:


Term of Reference for Consultancy Services

The services include the following:

  • Formulation and preparation of Training Design/Module
  • Original copy of hands-outs for reproduction
  • Visual aids for the training
  • Resource Persons and Facilitators to implement the Module
  • Training Certificates for the Participants

The topics include but not limited to the following:

Research Methodology
Concept in Policy Research

Research Proposal and Instrument

Selecting the sample

Data tabulation and analysis

Policy Development Concept

Policy adoption and implementation

Policy Advocacy

Monitoring and Evaluation

Duration of the training: not less than five (5) days but not more than ten (10) days

Number of participants: 25-30 persons

At least two (2) persons (Resource Person and Facilitator) are involved during each session of the training.

The prospective bidder should be CSC accredited and in existence for five years.

The approved budget is SEVENTY THOUSAND PESOS (P 70,000.00) for this project chargeable against the NYC Current Fund.

The training period is not less than one (1) week but not more than two (2) weeks to be implemented on February-March 2004.

The bidders shall observe the following:


1. Eligibility check of prospective bidders shall be on non-discretionary “pass/fail” criteria, which shall be based on the completeness of each prospective bidder’s eligibility requirements.

2. Examination of bids shall be on non-discretionary “pass/fail” criteria, which shall be based on the completeness of the technical and financial documents/information submitted by each eligible bidder.

3. Evaluation of bids shall be on non-discretionary “pass/fail” criteria, which shall be based on the conformity of the documents/information submitted by the eligible bidders as contained in their bid proposals with the NYC-BAC prescribed requirements as provided in the requirements for bidding.

4. Post-qualification shall be on a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criteria, which shall be based on the veracity and responsiveness of all documents/statements submitted by the lowest calculated bidder.




Issuance of Invitation to Eligibility & to Bid

February 10, 2005

Deadline for Submission of Eligibility Requirements

February 24, 2005

Deadline for Submission of Technical and Financial Bids

February 24, 2005

Opening of Eligibility requirements

February 28, 2005

Announcement of Eligible bidders


Opening of Technical Bids


Announcement of the result


Opening of Financial Bids


Announcement of the result

March 1, 2005

Preparation of the documents and finalization/signing/approval of the job contract

March 2, 2005

Issuance of Notice of Award

March 2, 2005

Issuance of Notice to Proceed

March 2, 2005


To be agreed upon by the Procuring Entity and bidder

Note: The opening of the bids is between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm., February 28, 2005


For Individual Consultant

1. Statement of the consultant that he is not “blacklisted” or barred from the bidding by any government agency, office or corporation;

2.Tax Identification Number (TIN)

3. Community Tax Certificate (CTC)

4. Professional Tax Registration (PTR), if applicable

5. Statement of the consultant of his entire completed contract in the last three (3) calendar years or more, and all his ongoing government and private contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started. The statement shall include, for each contract, the following:

a) The name and location of the contract/projects;
b) Date of the contract;
c) Type of consulting service;
d) Amount of contract;
e) Contract duration; and
f) Certificate of satisfactory completion issued by the client, in the case of completed contract.

6. The type and number of equipment that the consultant owns, has under lease, and/or has under agreements.

7. The consultant’s latest ITR.

8. His statement, with supporting documents, that:

  • He is a citizen of the Philippines or otherwise duly authorized and/or registered with the SEC and/or any agency authorized by law; and
  • b) When the types and fields of consulting services in which he wishes to engage involve profession regulated by the laws of the Philippines, he is registered professional authorized by the appropriate regulatory body to practice those professions or allied professions.

9. Certification as registered G-EPS;

10. Letter authorizing the BAC or its duly authorized representative/s to verify any or all of the documents submitted for the eligibility check.

For Corporation

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Community Tax Certificate (CTC)
  • Professional Tax Registration (PTR), if applicable
  • Statement of the consultant of his entire completed contract in the last three (3) calendar years or more, and all his ongoing government and private contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started. The statement shall include, for each contract, the following:

a) The name and location of the contract/projects;
b) Date of the contract;
c) Type of consulting service;
d) Amount of contract;
e) Contract duration; and
f) Certificate of satisfactory completion issued by the client, in the case of completed contract.

5. The type and number of equipment that the consultant owns, has under lease, and/or has under agreements.

6. The consultant’s latest ITR.

  • At least sixty percent (60%) of the outstanding capital stock must be owned by citizens of the Philippines;
  • The corporation must be registered with and authorized by the SEC and whose primary purpose is to engage in the particular type of consulting service(s) involved; and
  • When the types and fields of consulting services in which the corporation wishes to engage involve the practice of professions regulated by law, all the stockholders and directors of the corporation and those who will actually perform the services shall be Filipino citizens and registered professionals authorized by the appropriate regulatory body to practice those professions and allied professions: Provided, however, That the relevant laws allow corporations to engage in the said services.
  • Certification as registered G-EPS;
  • Letter authorizing the BAC or its duly authorized representative/s to verify any or all of the documents submitted for the eligibility check;
  • Original copy of a duly notarized statement of the bidder that:
  • your company is not “blacklisted” or barred from bidding by the Government or any of its agencies, offices, instrumentalities or LGUs;
  • each of the documents submitted is an original copy or a true and faithful reproduction or copy of the original;
  • No staff/employees/officers of your company is related by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree to the Head of NYC, the members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), the BAC Secretariat , and the end-users or any officers or employees that have direct access to information that may substantially affect the result of the bidding.

Note: Eligibility requirements shall be put inside a sealed envelope marked as “ Eligibility Envelope”.


Prospective bidders shall put their bid proposals in two separate sealed envelopes, the first containing the technical component of the bid which they will mark as “Technical Envelope” and the second containing the financial component of the bid which they will mark as “Financial Envelope”. The prospective bidders shall likewise mark the two bid envelopes “Do not open before February 28, 2005”.

The Technical envelope shall contain the following:

  • The Bid Security in accordance with the following schedule:

(Choose only one form of security)

Form of Security

Minimum Amount in % of Approved Budget for the Contract to be Bid

1. Cash, certified check, cashier’s check, manager’s check, bank draft or irrevocable letter of credit

One percent (1%)

2. Bank guarantee

One & half percent (1.5%)

3. Surety bond

Two & half percent (2.5%)

The Financial envelope shall contain the following:

Bid price must be in the following form:



THE PBAC Chairman

National Youth Commission

As per your request, submitted my proposal for the ………………….

Article/Service/Proposed Outputs and the bid price




Address/Telephone No.


1. All prospective bidders or their authorized representatives may attend the opening of the eligibility envelopes.

2. Only prospective bidders who have passed the eligibility check and are thus determined, as “eligible” shall be allowed to participate in the bidding.

3. All eligible bidders or their authorized representatives may attend the opening of bids.

4. Bid security shall be returned only after the lowest calculated and responsive bidder has signed the contract/job order and furnished the Performance Security, except to those that failed to comply with any of the requirements to be submitted in the first bid envelope (technical) of the bid, in which case the bid security shall be immediately returned together to the eligible bidder with the rest of the contents of the first envelope as well as with the second envelope (financial).

5. No eligible bidder shall make any communication with any of the members of the BAC, including the Secretariat, after submission of bids and during the evaluation period until the issuance of the Notice of Award.

6. Winning bidder shall enter into contract with the National Youth Commission (NYC) within five (5) calendar days from receipt of Notice of Award, otherwise the bid security shall be forfeited in favor of the NYC.

7. Winning bidder shall, upon signing of contract, post a Performance Security equivalent to 5% of the total contract price in the form of cash or manager’s check. Said Performance Security shall be converted into penalty in favor of the NYC in the event it is established that the winning bidder is in default in any of its obligations under the contract. Said security shall be co-terminus with and be returned to the winning bidder upon completion of the contract.


Deadline for submission of all requirements (Eligibility, Technical and Financial Envelope) is on or before February 24, 2005 and look for Ms. Percy Abad or Mai Mai Agustin, BAC Secretariat.

All requirements (individual envelopes for Eligibility, Technical and Financial) shall be put inside a sealed envelope and addressed to:

Pre-Qualification, Bids and Award Committee
National Youth Commission
4 th Flr. Bookman Bldg., Quezon Avenue,
Quezon City

The National Youth Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids without offering any reason, waive any required formality, and award the contract to any bidder whose proposal, as evaluated by the Committee, is the most advantageous to the government.

Chairman, Bids and Award Committee