The World Bank Development Market Place is an opportunity for organizations to get funding to scale-up your innovative projects.

The World Bank expects to award a total of at least US$3M to winning projects, with a maximum award size of US$150,000.  

The theme for Development Marketplace 2005 is Innovations for Livelihoods in a Sustainable Environment. This theme reflects the World Bank’s efforts to promote global, national, and local leadership to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner and minimize environmental degradation.

The objective behind this thematic approach is to incubate solutions to some of the most demanding challenges in a particular sector, and to use the results to inform the thinking and knowledge sharing within the World Bank and in the development community-at-large.

Proposals are welcome from a range of development innovators: civil society groups, social entrepreneurs, private foundations, academia, private sector corporations, as well as staff from the World Bank and other donor organizations. Please help us to get the word out about DM2005 to your network of professional peers both inside and outside of your organization.

Deadline for proposals is on January 21, 2005. Proposals will be accepted through the DM website at

The announcement of finalists will be on March 30, 2005. The Marketplace Competition & Knowledge Forum will take place on June 6-7, 2005.

Other award categories may be announced at the event, or in the run-up to the event.

For more information on DM2005, please visit the DM website or contact the DM team at [email protected].