NYC Urges Youth Groups to Act on RH Awareness

The National Youth Commission sees the value of youth organizations serving as agents in educating our youth, especially in reproductive health awareness.

According to the State of the Philippine Population Report (2nd issue) of the Commission on Population, there is a growing incidence of premarital sex among youth, from 18% in 1994 to around 23% in 2002, based on the Young Adult Fertility Study or YAFS. A minor redeeming factor may be that premarital sex is more prevalent among older youth (ages 20-27).

The Commission recognizes the value of peer counseling groups, like the awardee of the Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations (TAYO), Kabataang Gabay sa Positibong Pamumuhay, based in Iloilo City. KGPP plays an important role in educating youthin their area, especially young sex workers, on adolescent reproductive health/.

NYC is inviting all youth peer counseling organizations to join the TAYO Search, set to reward, recognize and encourage all youth organizations with existing community development programs.

"With the TAYO Search, we hope to be able to breed a stronger critical mass of youth leaders and youth organizations all over the country who will commit their highest aspirations as well as their energies to a better quality of life of the people in their communities," NYC Chairman Bam Aquino emphasized.

For application details, log on to or contact the TAYO secretariat at [email protected]. You can also call us at 781-2372/749-9409 and look for Ms. Lea dela Cruz.

- 3 March 2004