Pursuant to COMELEC Resolution No. 8301, the filing of Certificate of Candidacy for the SK election on Oct. 29, 2007 will start from September 29, 2007 and end on October 18, 2007 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) during regular office hours, except on the last day , which should be up to 12:00 o' clock midnight with the Office of the city/municipality concerned.
Pursuant to COMELEC Resolution No. 8302, all candidates for the SK Chairman and SK Kagawad in the Oct. 29, 2007 synchronized barangay and SK elections, shall undergo a mandatory drug test conducted by drug testing centers authorized/accredited by the Department of Health.
The drug test certificate shall be filed with the Office of the Election Officer concerned not later than October 18, 2007.
Pursuant to COMELEC Resolution No. 8264, the campaign period is from Oct. 19-27, 2007.