NYC Localizes the Medium-Term Youth Development Plan 2005-2010

In an effort to encourage youth awareness and empowerment, the National Youth Commission recently launched localization efforts for the Medium Term Youth Development Plan.

The localization is currently being implemented through some NYC staff assigned as Regional Coordinators in each of the seventeen (17) existing regions.

Localization efforts involve the creation of a Local Youth Situationer for the area covered, patterned after the YAPS Study conducted with the assistance of the World Bank.

It also includes the creation of Local Youth Development Councils in the area, with members composed of the local counterparts of the NYC’s Advisory Council and youth representatives.

The implementation of a Local Youth Development Plan or a MOA signing with local officials for the conduct of the Local Youth Development Planning is also included in the thrust, to evaluate existing youth programs in the areas and provide for the identified gaps in the needs of the youth in the area.

All these activities lead to the creation of Centers for Youth Development Excellence in each of the 17 regions nationwide.

At present, there are 17 existing Local Youth Development Centers in various levels of local government in nine (9) regions. There are also seven (7) areas with existing structures similar to the LYDC. Several other bills providing for the creation of the LYDC is currently in place.

Sixteen areas have already conducted the Local Youth Development Planning, with several more planned before the end of the year.

NYC hopes that with these efforts, the local governments may finally realize the value of the youth not only as beneficiaries of its programs, but as active and willing partners in development.