First batch will leave from May 13 to 22, 2008
Second batch will leave from May 20 to 29, 2008

The National Youth Commission in conjunction with the Japan International Cultural Center (JICC) of the Embassy of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE), is now inviting applicants for Student Ambassadors and Supervisors to the “10-day Visit to Japan Programme” as part of the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) Programme.

The JENESYS Programme , funded by the Japanese Government and in partnership with the ASEAN Secretariat , is to deepen understanding of the different facets of the Japanese society including politics, diplomacy, economics and culture and to form the basis of future vision and construct firm solidarity among Asian countries which will promote mutual understanding of the future generation of ASEAN and East Asia Summit member countries.

Qualification of Student Ambassadors:

"  Filipino, single, must be between 16 to 18 years old, on or before April 1, 2008

"  Of good moral character

"  Must be currently enrolled in a college or university with a Graded Weight Average (GWA) of 2.25 or 85% equivalent, with no failing marks in the preceding semester

"  Physically and mentally fit to travel

"  Must be a first time traveler to Japan and or must not have been a grantee or recipient of any NYC funded international travel or Japanese Government grant

"  Must be knowledgeable of the history, geography, culture and arts, and the current issues on the Philippines , and fairly knowledgeable in those of Japan and other East Asian countries

"  Must be an officer or an active member of a youth organization for at least one (1) year immediately preceding the date of application

"  Must be willing to be an active NYC volunteer after the program to be covered by an appropriate Memorandum of Agreement and to continue to promote the learnings about Japan and the Japanese culture gained from the JENESYS Programme

"  Area representation would be based on the place of the school, college, or university enrolled in

Application requirements for Student Ambassadors

"  Two (2) copies of the Application Form with passport-sized pictures with white background attached to each form (all original, no scanned pictures)

"  Two (2) copies of resume, not more than three (3) pages

"  Two (2) copies of Certificate of Good Moral Character, issued by the school, college or university (1 original and 1 photocopy)

"  Two (2) copies of certified true copy of grades

"  Two (2) copies of Police or NBI clearance

"  Four (4) copies of passport-sized pictures (not scanned pictures)

"  Completed NYC Volunteers' application form

Submission of application forms

Applicants may submit to Ms Marielou A. Chua of the JENESYS Programme Secretariat of the National Youth Commission, 4 th floor, Bookman Building , 373 Quezon Ave. , Quezon City . Deadline for submission of application forms is not later than 5:00 o' clock in the afternoon of December 31, 2007.

For submission through mail, the Secretariat should receive the application forms and requirements post marked before January 1, 2008, including those submitted to the Area Offices.

Application forms with incomplete requirements shall automatically be disqualified.

All transportation expenses will be paid for by the organizer, subject to submission of official receipts.

Download the following:

Application Form 1
Application form 2
Volunteers Form