Call for Applications for the 16th ASEF University
Lodz, Poland
June 29-July 10, 2010
The 16th Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) University or known as AU16 aims to promote inter-cultural exchanges among university students from Asia and Europe. This year’s theme is on “Public Health and Vulnerable Groups: Access to Quality Health Care Services”.
This two-week academic programme focuses on current development in international relations and features lectures, workshops and academic excursions. The course is an opportunity for up to 43 promising (under)graduate students to broaden their horizons and deepen their insight into contemporary international issues and their significance to Asia and Europe in a multi-cultural setting.
Criteria for Selection
A maximum of two (2) outstanding university students from each ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) country will be accepted into the ASEF University. In evaluating applications, ASEF will be considering the following criteria:
- Citizenship. Participants must be citizens of the 43 ASEM countries.
- Academic records. Participants must have consistent excellent academic records.
- Leadership. Participants must demonstrate strong leadership qualities through their involvement in extra-curricular activities and an interest in areas beyond their studies. Participants should also possess good inter-personal and communications skills.
- Knowledge of and interest in the theme. Participants must have adequate knowledge of the theme of the programme or must be especially interested in the issues/topics of discussion.
- Age and area of study. Participants are usually no more than 25 years old and should preferably be in their final undergraduate year or first graduate year.
- Language proficiency. Participants must be proficient in English, i.e. must have the ability to clearly articulate their views and comprehend lectures on the relevant issues and topics delivered entirely in English.
- Knowledge of country of origin. Participants are expected to have a good knowledge of the history and recent developments in the countries
Application Requirements
1. Complete ASEF University application form. Please download at
2. One (1) recent passport-sized ID photos (taken within the last 3 months)
3. Résumé (2 pages max)
4. A certified true copy of the transcript of academic records
Application Procedures
Please visit for further information. Submit application forms and all the requirements to Mr. Joel Bassig, Project Officer, People-to-People Exchanges Department of ASEF at + (65) 6872 1207 or email [email protected] on or before Friday, 09 April 2010, 6:00 pm (Singapore time). For further information, contact ASEF at DID: + (65) 6874 9713 or mobile + (65) 83317069.